Spread The NEws
Tempt One
This is a portrait I painted of graffiti artist TEMPT ONE for the SCRATCH exhibition at the El Segundo Museum of Art. The composition centers on a lifelike portrayal of TEMPT in the midst of creation; spray can be gripped in his hand, set against an energetic red background adorned with his signature and style. This piece invites viewers to reflect on graffiti's evolution and its rightful place in the contemporary art dialogue. This mural project was part of a collaboration with fellow artists.
Spread The NEws

10' x 15' Portrait
24' x 24' Mural
SCRATCH Exhibition
El Segundo Museum Of Art
El Segundo, Ca
Mural collaboration with
Tanner Goldbeck, EyeOne, Kozem,
and Gorgs
Selected Works

Swank One | Art & Design
3370 Glendale Blvd. #39A47
Los Angeles, Ca 90039
Phone: +01 213 495 0619
Email: paul@swankone.com
IG: @swank_one
© 2025 Subject Matter Inc. | Swank One